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SubjectRe: [PATCH] new makefile for fbcon
Oh man, it's hard to control myself ...

> Any changes that allow distributors to simultaneously build kernels for
> different architectures and/or configurations from the same source-tree
> will be jumped on by those distributors ...

> regardless of the change in size

typical Makefile shrinks to 25% of its former size

> Note that implementing such a capability in the kernel makefiles has
> certain implications, eg one would have to move include/asm-<arch> to
> <arch>/include/asm and get rid of those pesky symlinks.

"Pesky symlink" is right on target; I hate that symlink!
But Dancing Makefiles already handle it correctly with no changes
in .c or .h files. The key is: -I$(dir-target)/include and the
asm symlink lives in there.

> Next one has to think about autoconf.h and version.h which have to be
> created in the obj directory and not the src directory (speaking in
> BSD terms here).

You are right again. -I$(dir-target)/include works well here.
It's followed by -I$(dir-source)/include, so the target tree
functions as an overlay layer with just a few files in it
(autoconf.h, compile.h, version.h, asm symlink).

> ... if done with a good design, the resulting Makefiles could be smaller
> in size and faster in terms of procesing time.

They *are*. I'm talking about drivers/net/Makefile going from 1000
lines to about 200, and overall "make vmlinux" running 30% faster
when there is no work to do.

Then there is the #1 advantage: correctness. I can just patch over
any part of the tree and the dependencies auto-update correctly and
so on.

Too bad my stuff is not feature-complete.


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