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SubjectCD grabbing and RPC errors ?

I've just grabbing a CD with cdda2wav : cdda2wav -D /dev/cdrom -t 1+12
I notice a lots of messages :
Nov 11 23:29:02 oxygene kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0xc0 { Busy }
Nov 11 23:29:03 oxygene kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete
But it's normal for me, since audio grabbing is not a "safe" function
of a cdrom drives afaik. (result wav file is fine despite of it).
But I've just noticed that I get other massages :
Nov 11 23:28:59 oxygene kernel: nfs_statfs: statfs error = 116
Nov 11 23:28:59 oxygene kernel: RPC: garbage, retrying 846
Nov 11 23:28:59 oxygene kernel: RPC: garbage, retrying 846
Nov 11 23:28:59 oxygene kernel: RPC: garbage, exit EIO
Nov 11 23:28:59 oxygene kernel: RPC: garbage, retrying 850
Nov 11 23:28:59 oxygene kernel: RPC: garbage, retrying 850
Nov 11 23:28:59 oxygene kernel: RPC: garbage, exit EIO
Nov 11 23:28:59 oxygene kernel: RPC: garbage, retrying 852
Nov 11 23:28:59 oxygene kernel: RPC: garbage, retrying 852
Nov 11 23:28:59 oxygene kernel: RPC: garbage, exit EIO
Nov 11 23:28:59 oxygene kernel: RPC: garbage, retrying 854
Nov 11 23:28:59 oxygene kernel: RPC: garbage, retrying 854
Nov 11 23:28:59 oxygene kernel: RPC: garbage, exit EIO
And it seems it's produced on starting new track by cdda2wav.

I don't understand the connection among them however.

It's 2.2.13-UP with ReiserFS patch (I'm grabbing to reiserfs partition which
is local, not nfs mounted)
and solar designer's secure linux patch.

cdrom is sony cdu55e.

Another question : I'm using postfix and 2.2.13 with secure linux patch.
sendmail processes started by atd to report output of an at job goes into
zombie state ...

- Gabor

---[ LGB/DC ]------------[ University Of Veszprém ]------[ Lénárt Gábor ]---
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