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Subjectaic7xxx timeout
Hello....I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.  I have a
couple of hosts (v2.2.11 with tcp.diff patch applied) attached to an
external storage box via AHA-2944UW's. During a code upgrade on the storage
box, there's a point where the storage box does a reset of its' SCSI ports.
The hosts report this reset with a message of
aborting command due to timeout, pid xxx, scsi x, channel x, id x
SCSI host x abort timed out - resetting
SCSI bus is being reset for host x channel x
and the I/O that the hosts were doing receovers and continues.
I've increased the delay in seconds after SCSI bus reset for the aic7xxx
driver, but that didn't eliminate the messages.
My question is if there is a place in the aic7xxx driver or somewhere else
that I can modify to increase the number of times that the driver will retry
so it won't report this message?
Is this a doable thing?

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