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SubjectRe: IP masquerade problem
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999 wrote:

> They can't access some sites. Randomly (it's tied to the installation: the
> same installation doesn't access the same sites, always, while others does
> access this sites, but instead doesn't access others).

On my network the problem is fixated on some particular sites.
However I can't think of any reason whatsoever why it happens. A
friend of mine has exactly the same problem with exactly the same
symptoms and it's occurring on the same sites I'm having trouble

If it helps, at least these two are problematic:

> It's not related to the kernel version: i used 2.0.36 and 2.2.9 and 2.2.10
> and it's still broken.

I haven't experienced this problem before. It started occurring
sometime around 2.2.10 or 2.2.11. Maybe it was happening before, I
just haven't noticed it before.

> The solution i found was to install squid on the servers, and tell
> everyone to use the proxy (it was a good idea anyway).

I thought about doing that. It's just that my 486/66 router is
slightly slow for running a http cache. :)

> Interesting: when i got the "waiting for reply", i see that packets don't
> even go out to the gateway interface (seeing eth0-network and ppp0-gateway
> at the same time on tcpdump).

Hmm.. I've seen this phenomenon happening, too. I have a DNS server
set up for my intranet, which was supposed to forward non-intranet
requests to a name server outside the masquarade gateway, but the
packets never went out. I solved the problem by making the DNS server
a cacheing one. However, normal nslookup requests directed to any DNS
outside from within my intranet still work OK.

> PLEASE, if you find a solution (i delete 90% of the mail from linux-kernel
> list, and so maybe i don't see any response), please mail me. The same for
> me.

I'll be sure to do that.

-=[ Count Zero / TBH - Jussi Hämäläinen - email ]=-

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