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Subjectproblem with parallelized fsck
I'm seeing a minor problem that isn't strictly 
kernel related, nor would I think it distribution
specific, although I do happen to use Debian.

A recent update of fsck to the parallelizing version
causes the boot to hang after the devices have been
checked. A ctl-c gets out of it and boot continues

I've run fsck after boot up, using the same switches
(fsck -R -A -a) and get the same result; if I use
the serialize switch, it doesn't hang. Has anyone else
run across this? A bug in a particular fsck release
or is it something more general, ie something in the
kernel tickled by the parallel checks? I don't think
so, but thought I'd report it just in case.

Kernel version is a vanilla 2.2.12 compiled and
installed by moi.

FWIW, I'm using using debian potato.

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