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SubjectRe: Intel's Pro/1000 driver: when/will it make it into the kernel?
>>>>> "Florian" == Florian Lohoff <> writes:

Florian> On Fri, Oct 22, 1999 at 10:35:38AM -0700, Dan Browning wrote:
>> Intel released the source to a driver for their Pro/1000 card.
>> Does anyone know if this driver will make it into a kernel (2.3
>> maybe)?

Florian> It cant - Not GPL ...

Oh no, one more ;-(


Florian> Everything must be under the terms of THIS (GPL) License
Florian> which is not true for the Intel drivers...

Florian> They didnt even made an attempt to be compatible with the
Florian> GPL.

Interesting driver, it contains code that has been through a C
pre-processor. I wouldn't want to be the person who had try making it
run on non x86 hardware, they didn't even try to make it
portable. References PCI device registers directly not using the
readl/writel macros as one should, no memory barriers and it expects
operations like ptr->foo++ to be atomic - yummy, lotsa fun.

Oh and is the hardware really so bad that it requires spin locks to
protect the tx queue? (hint, where are the public docs? ;-)

Would be interesting to see how it performs against the Alteon and
Packet Engines cards, despite the broken license.


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