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SubjectRe: Intel's Pro/1000 driver: when/will it make it into the kernel?
Jes Sorensen wrote:

> Interesting driver, it contains code that has been through a C
> pre-processor. I wouldn't want to be the person who had try making it
> run on non x86 hardware, they didn't even try to make it
> portable. References PCI device registers directly not using the
> readl/writel macros as one should, no memory barriers and it expects
> operations like ptr->foo++ to be atomic - yummy, lotsa fun.
> Oh and is the hardware really so bad that it requires spin locks to
> protect the tx queue? (hint, where are the public docs? ;-)
> Would be interesting to see how it performs against the Alteon and
> Packet Engines cards, despite the broken license.

Well their (intel) site claimes this card has only a 64KB buffer.
Furthermore, it sells for almost $600 US street price (while the netgear
sells for around $300)!

I'd be seriously supprised to see a reason to buy this over a netgear

> Jes

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