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SubjectNetwork problems
Hi, everybody.

I'm having a little trouble with a Linux machine running RedHat 6.1 (with
RedHats standard kernel 2.2.12-20).
The problem is as follow, under heavy network load (4 clients copying files
via Samba) the network suddenly stops working and the server logs the error:
eth0: TX timed out code e000.
(this is not exactly what it says but the error code is correct)
The error is sent by the 3Com driver (it's a 3C590 card), but I don't think
the problem is there, I tried a different card and it did the same
(different error since it was a AMD PCNet card).
If I use 'ifdown eth0' and then 'ifup eth0' (the RedHat way to 'ifconfig
eth0 down' 'ifconfig eth0 up') it starts working again, but only for a few
minutes (I can actually see the speed degrading when using telnet). After a
reboot, it works for up to 14 days under normal load.

The same problem was also there when using RedHat 6.0 (with the RedHat
standard kernel,2.2.5-15, and with a selfcompiled kernel,2.2.12).

Is there anyone who has any ideas on this?
Perhaps a tip on where to look?

If this is not the correct place to ask I'm sorry.

Thank you in advance,
Markus Hakansson

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