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Subject2.2.13 387 Math Emulation related oops (includes ksymoops output)
I'm sorry that I posted useless stuff in my first posting.

In the meantime I learned from the fine manual, that ksymoops output is
necessary for oops-tracking.

Here is the output of ksymoops -L -O

I hope, that I used the commandline options in the correct way, there are no
modules used in the Kernel:

ksymoops 0.7c on i386 2.2.13. Options used
-V (default)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-L (specified)
-O (specified)
-m (specified)

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 8499ebc0
current->tss.cr3 = 007a7000, %cr3 = 007a7000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c01ac6f1>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010292
eax: 8499ebbc ebx: 00000001 ecx: 04f2d95b edx: 13cb656e
esi: 8499ebbc edi: c07a9f00 ebp: c07a9f00 esp: c07a9eac
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process a.out (pid: 76, process nr: 15, stackpage=c07a9000)
Stack: 00000000 c07a9fb4 c01ce8a8 c07a9eec c07a9ee8 c07a9efc c07a9ed4
8499ebbc 1db11825 1f59845f 76f0a3cd c07a9fb4 00000039 00000000
a2df3fff 0bedbcf8 fde5c782 a2502826 3742b934 b9693565 e5c332f2
Call Trace: [<c01ce8a8>] [<c01a8ffb>] [<c01aa712>] [<c01a65df>] [<c011917d>]
[<c01191db>] [<c01192ae>]
[<c010ec39>] [<c0107c07>] [<c0107b44>]
Code: f7 60 04 89 54 24 28 8b 54 24 5c 89 54 24 10 89 54 24 2c 89

>>EIP; c01ac6f1 <poly_sine+3b1/474> <=====
Trace; c01ce8a8 <CONST_PI2extra+0/c>
Trace; c01a8ffb <fsin+47/124>
Trace; c01aa712 <FPU_trigb+3e/4c>
Trace; c01a65df <math_emulate+8df/964>
Trace; c011917d <do_no_page+55/c0>
Trace; c01191db <do_no_page+b3/c0>
Trace; c01192ae <handle_mm_fault+c6/160>
Trace; c010ec39 <schedule+f5/278>
Trace; c0107c07 <device_not_available+37/3c>
Trace; c0107b44 <ret_from_exception+0/10>
Code; c01ac6f1 <poly_sine+3b1/474>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c01ac6f1 <poly_sine+3b1/474> <=====
0: f7 60 04 mull 0x4(%eax),%eax <=====
Code; c01ac6f4 <poly_sine+3b4/474>
3: 89 54 24 28 movl %edx,0x28(%esp,1)
Code; c01ac6f8 <poly_sine+3b8/474>
7: 8b 54 24 5c movl 0x5c(%esp,1),%edx
Code; c01ac6fc <poly_sine+3bc/474>
b: 89 54 24 10 movl %edx,0x10(%esp,1)
Code; c01ac700 <poly_sine+3c0/474>
f: 89 54 24 2c movl %edx,0x2c(%esp,1)
Code; c01ac704 <poly_sine+3c4/474>
13: 89 00 movl %eax,(%eax)



|_||_||||| Sven Geggus @ Fraunhofer IITB, Karlsruhe, GERMANY
|_||_||||| Phone: +49 6091-422, Web:
| | ... Linux powered DATA aquisition and evaluation,
| IITB | embedded systems, combustion engine diagnosis

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