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Subject2.2.13pre17 oops in find_buffer
Another oops on the 4-way SMP machine running 2.2.13preX. So far
it has oopsed in del_timer (2.2.13pre8), select_dcache (2.2.13pre11)
and find_buffer (2.2.13pre17), and it has just locked up solid quite
a number of times as well - see the list archives..

We're getting desperate. Are other people that use SMP with a similar
setup (4-way Xeon, 2 GB RAM, lots of disk [AMI Megaraid raid5])
seeing similar instability, or should I look for a hardware problem?

We're using 36-chip RAMs on this machine, but with this level of
hardware (AMI Megaplex, fits up to 8 GB of RAM) that should not
be a problem - right ?

Thanks for _any_ insights

ksymoops 0.7c on i686 2.2.13pre17. Options used
-V (default)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.2.13pre17/ (default)
-m /boot/ (specified)

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 723c4780
current->tss.cr3 = 509a9000, %cr3 = 509a9000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 2
EIP: 0010:[<8012825a>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010202
eax: 723c4780 ebx: 00072832 ecx: e1000803 edx: 723c4780
esi: 00001000 edi: 00072832 ebp: 00000803 esp: bdbabe04
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process find (pid: 9863, process nr: 91, stackpage=bdbab000)
Stack: 80128289 00000803 00072832 00001000 801284ef 00000803 00072832 00001000
00072832 e1007210 bdbabf3c 00000000 ddc70ff0 8013d285 00000803 00072832
00001000 0000000a 00000000 bdbabf3c e1007210 00000008 e10072ac 8013d6f8
Call Trace: [<80128289>] [<801284ef>] [<8013d285>] [<8013d6f8>] [<8013d88f>] [<8013dc3e>] [<8013b371>]
[<80133db4>] [<8012db69>] [<801303f5>] [<8013027c>] [<8013b2ac>] [<80107b18>] [<8010002b>]
Code: 8b 12 39 58 04 75 f3 39 70 08 75 ee 66 39 48 0c 75 e8 89 c2

>>EIP; 8012825a <find_buffer+2a/44> <=====
Trace; 80128289 <get_hash_table+15/20>
Trace; 801284ef <getblk+1f/14c>
Trace; 8013d285 <inode_getblk+45/18c>
Trace; 8013d6f8 <ext2_getblk+b8/22c>
Trace; 8013d88f <ext2_bread+23/114>
Trace; 8013dc3e <ext2_read_inode+2be/3cc>
Trace; 8013b371 <ext2_readdir+c5/580>
Trace; 80133db4 <get_new_inode+b0/12c>
Trace; 8012db69 <permission+21/114>
Trace; 801303f5 <sys_getdents+f5/160>
Trace; 8013027c <filldir+0/84>
Trace; 8013b2ac <ext2_readdir+0/580>
Trace; 80107b18 <system_call+34/38>
Trace; 8010002b <startup_32+2b/a4>
Code; 8012825a <find_buffer+2a/44>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; 8012825a <find_buffer+2a/44> <=====
0: 8b 12 movl (%edx),%edx <=====
Code; 8012825c <find_buffer+2c/44>
2: 39 58 04 cmpl %ebx,0x4(%eax)
Code; 8012825f <find_buffer+2f/44>
5: 75 f3 jne fffffffa <_EIP+0xfffffffa> 80128254 <find_buffer+24/44>
Code; 80128261 <find_buffer+31/44>
7: 39 70 08 cmpl %esi,0x8(%eax)
Code; 80128264 <find_buffer+34/44>
a: 75 ee jne fffffffa <_EIP+0xfffffffa> 80128254 <find_buffer+24/44>
Code; 80128266 <find_buffer+36/44>
c: 66 39 48 0c cmpw %cx,0xc(%eax)
Code; 8012826a <find_buffer+3a/44>
10: 75 e8 jne fffffffa <_EIP+0xfffffffa> 80128254 <find_buffer+24/44>
Code; 8012826c <find_buffer+3c/44>
12: 89 c2 movl %eax,%edx

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