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SubjectCrash on 2.3.21 (during cleanup_module)

The machine is a P200, 64M, with two ISA 10Mb Ethernet adapters.
SysRq was not compiled since it is (minorly) broken in 2.3.21.
Shortly after doing "ifdown eth0" (the RH method for ifconfig down),
the machine crashed. I believe, from the ksymoops trace, that it was
while unloading the 8390.o module.

The Ethernet cards are:

ne.c:v1.10 9/23/94 Donald Becker (
NE*000 ethercard probe at 0x300: 00 00 e8 d2 12 8d
eth0: NE2000 found at 0x300, using IRQ 15.
eth1: 3c509 at 0x320 tag 1, AUI port, address 00 60 8c c0 c8 fc, IRQ 10.
3c509.c:1.16 (2.2) 2/3/98
eth1: Setting Rx mode to 1 addresses.

Modules I usually have loaded are:

Module Size Used by
ip_nat_map_masquerade 1116 1 (autoclean)
ne 6832 1 (autoclean)
8390 6436 0 (autoclean) [ne]
ip_nat_ftp 2548 0 (unused)
ip_conntrack_ftp 1696 1 [ip_nat_ftp]
ip_nat 14904 2 [ip_nat_map_masquerade ip_nat_ftp]
ip_conntrack 10368 2 [ip_nat_map_masquerade ip_nat_ftp ip_conntrack_ftp ip_nat]
netfilter_dev 4228 0 (unused)
3c509 6068 1 (autoclean)
opl3 11496 0
sgalaxy 1308 0
ad1848 16080 0 [sgalaxy]
sound 60076 0 [opl3 sgalaxy ad1848]
soundcore 2564 5 [sound]

The ksymoops output is:

Warning (compare_ksyms_lsmod): module ip_nat_ftp is in lsmod but not in ksyms, probably no symbols exported
Warning (compare_ksyms_lsmod): module ip_nat_map_masquerade is in lsmod but not in ksyms, probably no symbols exported
Warning (compare_ksyms_lsmod): module sgalaxy is in lsmod but not in ksyms, probably no symbols exported
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000004
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0002
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c448d537>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010202
eax: c1c18f38 ebx: c1c18ec0 ecx: 00000000 edx: 00000000
esi: c4870674 edi: 0000002b ebp: c01e1f48 esp: c01e1f50
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process swapper (pid: 0, stackpage=c01e1000)
Stack: c1c18ec0 c1c18ec0 c01e1f64 c4870687 c1c18ec0 c01e1f88 c011025c c1c18ec0
00000001 c0242ac0 c01cfb9c 00000001 00000000 c01cfb9c c01e1fac c0116f09
00000000 00000000 c0108d60 c01e0000 00098800 c0106000 c01f0900 00000e00
Call Trace: [<c4870687>] [<c0111025c>] [<c0116f09>] [<c0106000>] [<c0107df0>] [<c0106000>]
[<c0106224>] [<c0106000>] [<c0100176>]
Code: 89 4a 04 89 11 8b 50 58 8b 40 54 89 50 04 89 02 ff 0d a4 2a

>>EIP; c448d537 <_end+4241493/45f7fac> <=====
Trace; c4870687 <[8390]cleanup_module+54f/1f18>
Trace; c0111025c <END_OF_CODE+b3c882bcc/????>
Trace; c0116f09 <do_bottom_half+49/70>
Trace; c0106000 <get_option+0/4c>
Trace; c0107df0 <ret_from_intr+0/20>
Trace; c0106000 <get_option+0/4c>
Trace; c0106224 <cpu_idle+34/54>
Trace; c0106000 <get_option+0/4c>
Trace; c0100176 <L6+0/2>
Code; c448d537 <_end+4241493/45f7fac>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c448d537 <_end+4241493/45f7fac> <=====
0: 89 4a 04 mov %ecx,0x4(%edx) <=====
Code; c448d53a <_end+4241496/45f7fac>
3: 89 11 mov %edx,(%ecx)
Code; c448d53c <_end+4241498/45f7fac>
5: 8b 50 58 mov 0x58(%eax),%edx
Code; c448d53f <_end+424149b/45f7fac>
8: 8b 40 54 mov 0x54(%eax),%eax
Code; c448d542 <_end+424149e/45f7fac>
b: 89 50 04 mov %edx,0x4(%eax)
Code; c448d545 <_end+42414a1/45f7fac>
e: 89 02 mov %eax,(%edx)
Code; c448d547 <_end+42414a3/45f7fac>
10: ff 0d a4 2a 00 00 decl 0x2aa4

Aiee, killing interrupt handler
Kernel panic: Attempted to kill the idle task!
In swapper task - not syncing

Aron Griffis

Aron Griffis Compaq Computer Corporation, ZKO3-3/T30
Tru64 Hardware Support 110 Spit Brook Rd, Nashua, NH 03062

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