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SubjectRE: My $0.02 on devd and devfs
-----Original Message-----
From: David Lang []
Subject: Re: My $0.02 on devd and devfs

>a question for Richard on this.

Interesting questions, and relevant all, but taking
away the fs from devfs deletes some (most) of the
functionality, most notably, the major/minor
limitation, or, having devfs style device nodes.

>from what I have read this should be a fairly minor change, but may
>satisfy those who dislike a virtual filesystem without sacraficing
>existing capabilities.

Unfortunately, while your assertion is logical, I
don't think that the opponents can accept the non-
VFS nature of devfs.

Richard, I have read that devfs escapes using the
standard VFS code. Is it a matter of overhead in
using the VFS, or is it a matter of necessity in
that the special nature of devfs device nodes
would require a new type of special file be created?

I appologize if this has been asked already!

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