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SubjectSCSI related crash on 2.2.12
Hi, pretty strange error:

I wanted to burn a CD with cdrecord. After inserting the CD and issuing
the cdrecord command, the CDRW sounded, like it had trouble with the CD.
This went on for some seconds, and then the SCSI Bus was blocked
completely. Cdrecord just told something like "Retryable command" and
something like invalid medium. (Sorry, I don't have the error messages)

Then the computer completely died. It didn't react on keybord or mouse and
I was unable to eject the CD. Furthermore, the SCSI BUS LED was on the whole

What could have caused that error?

My relevant configuration:

ASUS P2B-S (AIC7xxx)
PII 400
Yamaha CRW 4416S
Kernel 2.2.12


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