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SubjectSolution 4 Kernel w/ Drivers Debate
Dear Hackers, 

I read an article in Linux Weekly News last week and wanted
to give my input on a solution for what should be done. The
article was all about the debate on whether drivers should
be added to the kernel. SO what i did was made an attempt
(1/2 hours worth at least) on what can be done.

Also, Please note that i'm not asking for help!!!

so please don't give me any reference to the FAQ's or "Buy
the book" responses.


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<title>linux kernel idea</title>
Dear Kernel Hackers;
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Please note that I am no "Linus" or "Alan Cox". I
am just giving my 2 cents worth (<i>and expect change back!</i>) on how
i feel would be a good idea to improve, simplify, stabilize, and <i>expand
with unity</i> the linux kernel so that unnecessary kernel size and clutter
can be shut out. I realize that this is an ugly Diagram and very "pre-schooler"
yet i just want to get my point across and don't expect any serious answers
from people telling me I'm correct. ALSO KNOW THAT I'M NOT ASKING FOR HELP
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>"BUY A BOOK"</u>.
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Here is an idea that I feel the next kernel project
should be developed so that we can break down the "ever-growing" kernel.
After reading an article in Linux Weekly News about the arguement over
wether or not to add device drivers to the kernel, I decided to give a
solution to what I feel is best.
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If we divide up the kernel into a sort of "Client/Server"
type way of handling things, we can remove a major part of the "clutter",
while at the same time- REDUCE THE KERNEL SIZE EVEN MORE!
<p>Also, Please don't respond to me that what i'm referring to is "Modules"
inside the&nbsp; kernel. I already know. Also, Please don't scorn me because
I'm only trying to help!!
<p>Finally, If you think it seems like a lot of work, think of it this
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "How much work will it be in 2 years?"
<center><table BORDER COLS=1 WIDTH="266" HEIGHT="100" >
<center><b><u><font size=+1>Primary Kernel 2.6.x</font></u></b>
<p>This part of the kernel carries Disk Drivers, File systems, and other
essential parts of the Linux OS. Also the part of the kernel that other
"Secondary Kernels" would plug into.</center>

<center><table BORDER COLS=4 WIDTH="100%" >
<center><b><u><font size=+1>Secondary Kernel 2.6.x</font></u></b>
<br>(Audio/MMX Kernel)
<p>This part of the kernel would act as a "Sub Kernel" that would be for
audio and other forms of MMX based drivers to plug into and acts as a module.</center>

<center><b><u><font size=+1>Secondary Kernel 2.6.x</font></u></b>
<br>(Radio Cards Kernel)
<p>This part of the kernel would be the "Sub Kernel" for all the Radio
Card drivers. Plugs into Main Kernel Also and acts as a module also.</center>

<center><b><u><font size=+1>Secondary Kernel 2.6.x</font></u></b>
<br>(NIC Kernel)
<p>"Sub Kernel" for all the Ethernet Cards and "Needs more developed" Token
Ring drivers.</center>

<center><b><u><font size=+1>Secondary Kernel 2.6.x</font></u></b>
<br>(Telecom Kernel)
<p>"Sub Kernel" for all the Telecommunications "Stuff")
<p>*Note: This would more than likely belong in the Primary Kernel though*</center>

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