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SubjectDisturbing messages from 2.2.13pre14 NFS client
We are running 2.2.13pre14 against both user mode and knfsd servers.
(Although this has been happening with every 2.2.x kernel we have

Our client boxes log messages like the following on occasion:

14:33:11 kernel: __nfs_fhget: inode 14301194 still busy, i_count=1

And they log messages like these reasonably often:

13:42:21 kernel: NFS: cache locked for 00:15/1666453
13:42:21 kernel: NFS: cache locked for 00:15/490091

And they log messages like these almost continuously (whenever the box
is used for work):

14:29:32 kernel: nfs_dentry_delete: foo/bar.c~: ino=8161299, count=2, nlink=1

Could someone please explain what these messages actually mean? Are
they symptoms of bugs? If so, are they potentailly dangerous (i.e.,
data corrupting)?

I would be happy to provide more data if someone could tell me what to
look for.


- Pat

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