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SubjectX screen blanking with 2.2.0-pre5
I'm not subscribed to the list currently, but I did first check the
archive to see if there was anything about this and came up empty.
Basically, I noticed some odd behavior with screen blanking under X
Windows. What happens is that the screen keeps blanking over and over
even when I'm doing things. Sometimes it will blank while I'm in the
middle of typing something, and will unblank on the next letter typed.
Sometimes it can sit there for a while before blanking. It's fairly
random. Using 'setterm -blank 0' before running the startx script
does not affect this behavior at all. I also don't see this problem
under text mode, just X Windows. This problem seems to have crept it
somewhere in the 2.2.0-pre? series. I was using a 2.1.132 kernel with
no problems, then when I upgraded to 2.2.0-pre4 was when I first
noticed this. The problem is still present in 2.2.0-pre5. Was there
something introduced that requires userspace tweaking to correct this,
or is this actually some sort of kernel bug? If anyone has any
answers about this, please CC a copy of the e-mail to me as well as
the list. Thank you!

Shawn McHorse | The Musical World of Rocky Horror
Austin Rocky Cast | (Obscure Distorted Instruments and Imagery) | WWW.ROCKYMUSIC.ORG

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