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Subjectserial port problem with 2.1.132-2.2.0pre5

I was desperately in need to install hylafax on 2.1.132 and somehow I couldn't
get faxaddmodem to work properly. it gives (and still) the followin error

Using user-specified 38400 to talk to modem.

/bin/stty: standard input: unable to perform all requested operations

There was no response from the modem. Perhaps the modem is
turned off or the cable between the modem and host is not
connected. Please check the modem and hit a carriage return
when you are ready to try again: /bin/stty: standard input: unable to perform all requested operations


I knew something isn't right, so I launched up minicom and issued the
following command : at+fclass=?, the very command 'faxaddmodem' was trying
to issue, and the minicom gave me correct fax modem classes.

The issue is that, when I first issued that command (at+...?) using
the mouse's middle button, not all characters were copiled to the serial
port but rather forgotten some characters, only displaying "at+".
when I typed the entire AT command, it worked fine, but when the input
is too fast it seems to loose the characters.
Changing the baud rate lower didn't help.

The kernels are compiled against, Slackware, libc5-latest.
the modem is USRobotec 28.8kbps sporter and connected on /dev/ttyS0, irq4,
and port 0x03f8.

I couldn't replicate the problem in 2.0.36.

Please someone shed me the light!

Sang Kang

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