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SubjectDTC 3181x solution
I want to thank Vasile for your post to the Linux Kernel Mailing list.

With your help I was able to get my DTC3181e SCSI card and scanner
working under Linux (a task I previously thought was impossible).

Using your suggestion to remove the jumper, I was also able get it
working with an IRQ and am now scanning thorough SANE-1.00
without using 100% CPU under Linux.

I am using an AcerScan 610S (which i believe is the same as a Vuego 610S
sold in Europe - it has the same scsi model string). It is also similar
to an Agfa SnapScan

I added the following line into my conf.modules file

options g_NCR5380 ncr_irq=11 ncr_addr=0x240 dtc_3181e=1

and using linux-2.2pre4, the correct g_NCR5380 module now autoloads when
I run xscanimage.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to do the same with Windows 98.

I downloaded the file Vasile suggested from the domex web site, and although
the card now reports to have and IRQ, the CPU is still 100% utilized during
scanning under Windows 98.

It looks like the Win9x driver does not make use of the irq. I think that
Windoze 9x the PNP generic driver figures out that the card is using an
irq (the same way pnpdump does), but that doesn't guarantee that the
actual DTC driver will ever make use of it.

If anyone knows the location of a driver that does make use of the irq,
email me.



Robert Lowery
Localization Engineer
Colorbus Australia
Ph (03) 8574-8014

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