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SubjectRe: Porting vfork()
On Tue, 5 Jan 1999 wrote:

> So, the question: is linux vfork() behavior annoying anyone else and is it
> worth fixing? (other than to eliminate its appearance in the BUG area of the
> Linux fork() man page ;)

Given that vfork() isn't implemented yet, I'd say that noone feels
particularly interested in it. With clone already in place, it could be
implemented fairly easily, but that doesn't mean that it should: the
manpage for vfork() on a Solaris box I have access to claims that the
function will be removed in a future release. Also, vfork() has very
wierd semantics (something about returning EOF on reading from ttys?) that
would be a chore to implement. Linux would probably be better served
implementing a spawn() type creature, as that's the problem vfork() meant
to solve.


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