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SubjectRe: Porting vfork() writes:
> Linux aliases vfork() to fork()... problematic in two areas:
> 1) The child receives a new address space. Memory changes made by the
> vfork() child are not visible to the parent.
> When the parent expects the child to alter the parent's memory (manipulate
> the file descriptor table, modify a global variable, or whatever) prior to
> the execve... a current address space porting problem arises.

Every man page and document about vfork() I've ever seen has told
people to never rely on this behaviour. I don't think we need to
encourage such brokenness.

> 2) When the parent can no longer assume (and requires) that the child will
> be dispatched and execve prior to the parent receiving control back from
> vfork()... a subtle race condition porting problem arises.

The race condition would exist anyway. As far as I can see, there
aren't many assumptions that would be useful here; even in vfork(),
the execve() would have happened, but the child might not have
executed a single instruction yet.

> My intent in this thread was to gage the vfork() impact. It makes no sense
> to commit time developing a kernel solution if only a very few applications
> have such silly dependencies.

I don't think we should waste our time on this. Very few applications
will have dependencies on this behavior, and if they do they're
probably already buggy. I can't see that fixing them is all that
hard, either.

If I'm wrong, I'll be very surprised; give examples of where not
supporting vfork() hurts us! Also, most of them will only be assuming
that if there's a vfork(), it works; since not all unices have
vfork(), portable applications won't rely on it.


Matthew J. Brown --- Senior Technical Engineer --- SBC Interactive
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