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Subjectannounce/FYI: PPSkit-0.4.0.tar.gz
Here's a copy of my NEWS article:

Newsgroups: comp.protocols.time.ntp
Subject: announce: PPSkit-0.4.0 for Linux 2.1.131
Reply-to: Ulrich Windl <>
--text follows this line--
FYI: Today I've released an equivalent of PPSkit-0.3.8 for Linux-2.1.
The kit is named PPSkit-0.4.0.tar.gz and is available where usual

Besides the merge of the patch I included a new enable_pps.c (as the
previous few were broken). An even newer version is included together
with some sample plots (PostScript) in the "PPSsim.tar.gz" (available
from the same directory).

Here's the relevant part of NEWS:

+ The patch has been created by CVS-1.9.28 with ``rdiff''. Manually
edited patch to remove erroneously changed RCS keywords due to lack
of ``-ko''.

+ Use new patch for kernel 2.1.131 (also known previously as
PPSkit-0.4.0pre1.diff.bz2). Basically this patch merges the recent
time changes from Linux 2.0 and PPSkit-0.3.8. ``N_PPSCLOCK'' had to
be changed from 9 (5 very early) to 11 to avoid conflicts in
Linux-2.1. As all ``dot zero'' revisions, this code has not been
tested by many people...

+ Added new files ``CREDITS'' (from ``README'') and ``MANIFEST''.
Updated ``README'' for the new version. Updated ``INSTALL''.

+ Updated enable_pps.c to provide better tests (hopefully).


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