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Subject2.0.36 networking lock
Is there anyone still workin on 2.0.* kernel?

After 2.0.36 upgrade I've had a couple of networking lock in a
heavily loaded server.

-If I connect to the server with ssh (ssh server) I get no prompt for
password and after a while I get a timeout message.
-Previous ssh connections still keep working.
-Getting a web page from the server works but when I run a cgi with POST method
I get connection timed out.
-named is unable to resolv anything it has to get from outside.
-ping works.
-ppp users that connects via modem with pap get disconnected few
seconds after being successfully authenticated.
-Nothing strange is logged by syslogd or klogd (Is there a way to obtain
more info from the kernel in such situations?)
-No change if I kill and restart all the involved daemons (inetd sshd
httpd named etc.)
-Only a reboot seems to solve the problem.

The server is a Pentium with ide i82371 PIIX (Triton), Cyclades Cyclom-Ye/PCI
and NE2000 clone.

Nothing similar happened with 2.0.35. (Of course it has the sys_accept bug
but it does not require a reboot)

If you need further info please write to my e-mail address as I'm not
subscribed to the mailing list. (Diego Liziero)

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