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SubjectRe: linux-kernel's extremely slow turnaround time
    From: Jordan Mendelson <>

Has anyone noticed linux-kernel's extremely slow turnaround time? I
posted a message on Tuesday at 2:18 PM, it actually came back to me
Wednesday at 2:22, a little over 24 hours later. The headers indicate
that the message was received by the destination mail server almost

I've noticed a lot of posts on linux-kernel are replied to 6-7 times
because of the delay between the first reply and the original post. For
instance that person commenting on the Hz time printing got at least 15
replies which all said exactly the same thing.

Is there anything that can be done to speed things up?

Yes - this slowness wasts a lot of developer time.
Answer immediately and find that ten others did the same.
Wait for a day and answer then, and find that five others did the same.

In the good old days we had linux.* newsgroups with a delay between
minutes and hours, against the present linux-kernel with a delay
between hours and days.

(Also, one receives mail out-of-order. The past weeks I have seen
answers that arrived two days before the letter reacted to.)

> Is there anything that can be done to speed things up?

Convince David Miller that for linux-kernel being an order
of magnitude faster is more important than having an order
of magnitude less junk.
(That is what I think, but maybe only few would agree.)

Or flame people continuing long off-topic threads.

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