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SubjectRe: New patch-kernel, please test
Brian Gerst wrote:
> Again, the default functionality is the same as before. Just because I
> am an expert user doesn't mean I don't want to use a script to automate
> this type of task.

I am not against expert users using scripts. I also think it is
appropriate to post modified versions to linux-kernel for wider use
(as I did for dealing with 2.2.0-preX patches). Another possibility is
to even provide Alan with a version tuned for dealing with -ac patches,
available for download with his patches.

However, I don't think the chain-saw script should be placed in the
default kernel.

Regardless, this is only my opinion. I won't drag this thread out
any more. Linus has the final say.

> > I have already posted a modified patch-kernel to deal with the
> > 2.2.0-preX patch series, but again, I don't think this should be part
> > of the distributed source -- it becomes obsolete as soon as 2.2.0 hits
> > the streets.
> I would not be surprised if Linus kept this convention for future
> prereleases.

Two problems. Linus is bound to use a different convention -- I don't
remember him being consistent with any other previous scheme (I seem
to remember that 2.0-pre patches were internally labelled as 1.3.X,
and so you could use patch-kernel by placing a symlink from the 1.3.X
name to the corresponding 2.0-pre patch).

Secondly, even if Linus does use the same scheme, the point at which
you switch from 2.3.X to 2.4.0-preX is not known in advance. Linus is
also unlikely to update patch-kernel for such a scheme -- after all,
he is the one person guarenteed not to use it.

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