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SubjectRe: New patch-kernel, please test
Date (Brian Gerst) writes:
> I rewrote the patch-kernel script to accept patch filenames from the
> command line. This is helpful with patches that don't follow the normal
> increment (ie, *-acX, *-preX, etc.) Please test it before I send it to
> Linus.

I don't think (as the original author) patch-kernel should be modified
for application of non-Linus patches. This just adds to the chances
of the naive user getting themselves into trouble (for example, the -ac
patches need reversing before application, a hot fix from Tytso or test
patch posted by Linus to linux-kernel needs reversing before applying
the proper patch, etc).

I see patch-kernel as a safe way for non-expert users to upgrade a
vanilla Linus tree, saving the need to pull across the whole tree on
each revision. Anything more complicated than that, and I feel you are
in the realms of expert users, who should know what they are doing when
dealing with non-Linus patches.

I have already posted a modified patch-kernel to deal with the
2.2.0-preX patch series, but again, I don't think this should be part
of the distributed source -- it becomes obsolete as soon as 2.2.0 hits
the streets.

[*] As the author of patch-kernel

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