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SubjectRe: Shared PCI IRQ Lockups in 2.2pre4
I have received a couple of questions regarding my original post:

1. My bios does not have an option to disable PnP
detection/configuration. I don't have any PnP devices anyway.

2. The system boots normally (without external networking) if I do not
load the EEPro100 modules. If I attempt to load the modules, it hangs.

3. If I compile the EEPro100 driver and the Adaptec 2940 driver into the
kernel (no modules), it hangs also.

When I say hang, I just mean lockup [i.e. - sit there indefinitely]. The
kernel boots, mounts root, starts init, starts the init scripts, and locks
during network initialization. The effect is exactly the same
with/without modules.

I realize shared ints are a mess, but 2.0.36 handles this situation
correctly, and I have no other options for this particular machine.

I'm running Redhat 5.2 (with necessary updates applied), and attempting to
run 2.2.0pre4. It's a PPro-200 with 192 MB ram. The system works perfectly
under 2.0.36.

I'll happily run more tests...


Dave Harden
Phone: (412)688-8870x143
Pager: (888)643-0748

On Wed, 6 Jan 1999 wrote:

> > This output was produced under 2.0.36. I have been unable to get the
> > machine to boot under 2.2pre4. I have tried having the EEPro/Adaptec
> > drivers in and out of modules. This concerns me as 2.0.36 has no trouble
> > whatsoever using this configuration. Here's some more config [once again
> > under 2.0.36]:
> What do you mean by "I have been unable to get the
> machine to boot " ?
> Could you be more precise please ?
> christophe

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