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SubjectRe: routing problems in 2.2.0-pre4

On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, Valient Gough wrote:

Maybe I have a similar problem. On 2.2.0 pre4 and 2.131 dhcp won't work
Works OK on 2.0.36

> I just installed 2.2.0-pre4 for testing, and I'm having serious routing
> problems, which are partially caused by the kernel automatically adding
> it's own routing information.
> I have a DSL connection, and I need basically a point to point link to
> my router.
> Now, I'm at, and the router is It's actually
> a subnet of (with .31 as the broadcast and .0 as the net),
> but I can't talk to anyone else in that net without going through the
> router.
> So, the new kernel automatically adds a route for as
> direct, and doesn't seem to allow me to delete it! What is up with
> that? Are we now at the point where we think the computer knows better
> then the operator?
> I tried to set it up as a pointopoint link, but that doesn't work
> (ifconfig seems to ignore the pointopoint part).
> Is there a fix for this other then going back to 2.0.x?
> regards,
> Val Gough
> Please CC any response to, as I'm not on this list.
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