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SubjectRe: routing problems in 2.2.0-pre4

Thanks. Actually, I was able to remove the route, but it still appeared
in the routing table until I updated to net-tools 1.49, which was
confusing.. I hadn't updated because the changes.html page on linuxhq said
it was only needed for IPv6, which I wasn't using...

With the new net-tools, it looks better, and ifconfig no longer shows all
the packets as errors either, so it appears that the problem is mostly a
documentation thing. I should notify the linuxhq maintainer that net-tools
is a required update even for IPv4...

On Tue, 5 Jan 1999, Matt Kemner wrote:
> The way you have set up your subnets is not the usual way of going about
> it, which is why the computer gets it "wrong"

I don't mind that it gets it wrong... It was wrong in 2.0.36 too, but I
was unable to fix it. So, I was getting visions of NT - setting up things
wrong and then not allowing it to be fixed :-).

> Of course a much better way would be to do:
> and change the interface on the router you're connected to,
> But I'm sure you have a valid reason for needing the network the way it
> is.

Yep, the reason is that I don't have control over the router... It's my
ISP's property. Plus, they probably would not want to waste 2 addresses
per customer (net and broadcast) to do it that way.

Val Gough

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