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SubjectNetwork buffers.. where are they ?
I'm implementing an explicit notification rate control protocol at the
ip level, and I want to be able to see what the current buffer level at the
gateway is compared to the maximum before packets start getting dropped,but
I cant seem to find what I'm looking for... I'm fairly new at fiddling with
kernel stuff so any tips would be great. I guess it's park of the sk_buff
structure, but through printk'ing various things there I haven't found
anything seems to be useful.

I've got the rate control and everything at the client working quite happily
by diverting the dev_queue_xmit to a transmit function that holds the packets
till they're ready to go.. but I want to be able to see buffer levels so the
gateway can tell when it needs to tell clients to back off. The aim of this is
to stop the gateway getting congested and avoiding retransmits etc.. by having
the client only send what the gateway can actually deal with.

Michael Biggs ObQuote: "Don't Panic" THHGTTG ObJob: Unix Guff
Email: Civil Engineering
WWW: Monash University

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