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SubjectRe: [Fwd: Look for Disk-On-Chip Driver]

hedrick@Astro.Dyer.Vanderbilt.Edu said:
> On Thu, 31 Dec 1998, Michael Liao wrote:
> > I have installed Disk-On-Chip(DOC2000) on my PC, but unfortunately, My
> > Linux box can recognize it, where can I find the driver for it.
> First try passing the idex= and hdx= parameters to the kernel. If this
> works then you know the ide-driver will at least attempt to work with
> your new toy.

Nope, it doesn't fake IDE. It's a bit like EMM - it lives in upper memory, and
you page in a 8K or 4K chunk of the flash at a time.

In the first page there's a BIOS extension which adds an INT 13h handler to
drive it, and the driver always leaves the thing with the first page mapped
in, in case you reboot suddenly.

I knocked up a driver for something similar once. Take a look on in the mirror of It's called
mtd-98xxxx.tar.gz - You'll need to play with it a bit, and it's only a module
so far, but it should give you enough to go on.

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