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Subjectrpc.krquotad hard quota not working in 2.1.126
do you have any idea what have changed in the linux kernel that is
creating this problem? and also what can be done to fix it?

-using rpc.krquotad from linux-nfs-0.4.21 under linux 2.1.95, a user from
another machine is unable to write in his home directory more bytes than
his hard quota. when it reaches the hard quota, the system is telling him
that he reahced his maximum quota allowed

-using the same under linux 2.1.126 or higher, even if the soft quota is
reported and the grace period works and even if the quota reports
correctly the space used by the user and his quotas, he can go beyond his
hard quota, managing to fill up the whole disk if he wants to. so there is
no hard quota working.

i compiled again the package, thinking that this is the problem, but this
hasn't solved the situation. although the new compiled rpc.krquotad works
again under 2.1.95, under 2.1.126 is useless for hard quota

Victor STANESCU-network administrator
The Numerical Methods Laboratory,
Politehnica University of Bucharest

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