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Subject[offtopic] help re adaptec 2940 (+patch re 2920)
Hello all, and sorry for the {once,yet} again offtopic post.

I am considering the purchase of an AHA 2940 to go with a
Barracuda 20-gig drive (not for me :( ); as I understand
that controller supports scsi ultra2 which this drive
supports. However, I was wondering (before saying yeah, go
ahead), is the 80mb/s of ultra2 "real" for a mail/http
server, i.e. is there any point in spending that more money
on ultra2? If so, what kind of CPU power do I need to cope
with this? Does the controller (and/or the driver) suck a
lot of CPU?

On the same lines, what ethernet/100 card demands the least
cpu time (always in linux :)? If it isn't only
card-specific, is there any MB that works best (without
being rare or expensive) ?

As this is not really kernel-related, unless you're *sure*
your post won't produce a deluge, please contact me


ps: I don't really care about it myself but I thought I'd
let y'all know: the information about the AHA 2920 is
unclear, at least. The help on CONFIG_SCSI_AIC7XXX says it
doesn't work for the AHA2920 and you should use the Future
Domain 16xx instead, but the help for
CONFIG_SCSI_FUTURE_DOMAIN says it's really only the AHA2920A
that works with it, and you should use CONFIG_SCSI_AIC7XXX
instead. The READNE.aic7xxx is most adamant about the 2920
NOT being based on an AIC-7xxx, and fdomain.c again says the
2920C *is*. It would seem that the only 2920 existing when
the help on the aic7xxx was written was the A, and the C is
newer than that.

Attached is a really trivial patch against 2.2.0pre4 to and README.aic7xxx that avoids y'all the
trouble of looking this up, but it this is as trivial as it
can get.

more Cheers,
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