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SubjectRe: 2.2.0-pre4 is slow and pre4-ac1 is broken =(
> It seems that the memory management in pre4 is pretty slow, I can hardly
> do anything in X if I'm burning a cd at the same time. (I can't recall
> having that problem with pre3, although I didn't have much time testing
> it...). According to my little wmaker app that checks memory and swap

pre4 dies horribly if you are paging and have heavily I/O bound processes

> So I thought I should give pre4-ac1 a try (I've always had good luck with
> Alans patches). Though this time it seems to be broken on the ip-masq
> stuff. I get this message (which kills the compilation):
> net/network.a(ipv4.o)(__ksymtab+0x68): undefined reference to
> `ip_masq_select_addr'

Yep thats a bug. 2.2.0pre4ac1 also however has the same VM as Linus. There
are two reasons for this 1. Keeping the seperate sct vm was making it hard
to merge other stuff 2. For my test sets Andrea's last patches where beating
sct's vm changes for most cases


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