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SubjectRe: 2.2.0-pre4 is slow and pre4-ac1 is broken =(
Alan Cox wrote:
> > > pre4 dies horribly if you are paging and have heavily I/O bound processes
> > > running.
> >
> > I'm afraid the same goes for pre4-ac1... cdparanoia and cdrecord makes it
> > swap much more then previous kernels did, 131-ac series have been the best
> > for me, ie the sct stuff..
> I'd expect pre4ac1 to be as bad - I dropped the sct vm stuff so I could sanely
> merge the rest of things with Linus.

Been running pre4-ac3 here with the arca-VM-8 patch, and it seems to work fine
with cdrdao for burning. Not too sure what the big difference is in the ways
that cdrdao and cdrecord utilize the MM system but that part worked fine
here. Note, however that the machine I was doing this on was _not_ under
serious load at the time; wouldn't dream of heavily loading it when burning.

cdparanoia also worked when the system load was at about 2.4. Don't mind
errors when I'm pulling stuff off of the CDs, can always do those again.
Coasters on the other hand, I've got enough of.

All in all I'd have to say that pre4-ac3 w/arca-VM-8 is the nicest kernel I've
had installed as of late. Tried all the kernel releases since 2.1.128 and
have had all the ac? patches in at one point or another too. With
pre4-ac3-VM8 I've got cdrdao working, cdparanoia working, a speedy VM system,
UDMA, and all of my Quake sound back. Can't see anything on this machine that
hasn't been working in this release.

Oh, one other thing....I've also had the ALI V patch in for UDMA support on
this machine as well. Works like a charm and haven't had a single trouble
with it yet. If anyone would like more information as to what's under the
hood in this thing let me know and I'll dig some stuff out of /proc for you to
look at.

Graham TerMarsch

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