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SubjectRe: [2.2.0-pre4][alpha] problems and patch
Hi Thomas,

This is just for your information; you don't have to do anything.

I started looking into your xconfig bug report. It reproduces just fine
with "make ARCH=alpha xconfig" on my system. I don't have a patch yet,
but here is a progress report with graphic detail.

This menu is the 'QoS and/or fair queueing' menu. I dumped the
arch/alpha/ parse tree and I saw the following structure:

if [ "$CONFIG_NET" = "y" ]; then
MENU 'Networking options'
tristate 'Appletalk DDP' CONFIG_ATALK
if [ "$CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL" = "y" ]; then
if [ "$CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL" = "y" ]; then
MENU 'QoS and/or fair queueing'

Note the repetition of CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL. My parse dumper doesn't
list file names, but this is in net/

scripts/tkcond.c has special handling for repeated conditionals. In the
generated tcl code, it looks like tkparse blew it and skipped *both*
conditionals when it generated the global/vfix declarations. That
leads to the syntax error you see.

I am going to continue looking into this. The obvious kludge is to
take out the inner CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL, which is redundant. But I would
rather fix xconfig.

I will also guess that the bug started manifesting in 2.2.0-pre2, with
the addition of the innermost 'QoS and/or fair queuing' menu. The buggy
generated code is in the top-level menu refresh function. So before
that new menu, the bug didn't manifest like this; it probably never
manifested at all.

Something I don't understand: why the bug manifests on alpha, but not
on i386. net/ is machine-independent and the parse tree looks
the same for this part on both architectures.

Anyways, I'm working on this, that's the story so far, and I will probably
have a patch ready for testing soon.


Michael Elizabeth Chastain
"love without fear"

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