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Subjectsimple question
Where is the format for a stack frame defined?  I think that I
remember Linus saying years ago that Linux's function call convention
was identical (pretty much) to SVR4/x86, but I can't seem to find the
message. I realized today that I don't know what the frames look like,
and therefore I can't walk my stack auto-interrogatorily or do other
nasty tricks I shouldn't be doing (or even think up nasty tricks, since
I don't know what I have to work with.)

This is probably more of a gcc question, but since it was decided by
The Man, I figured that his court would be the approprite place to ask.
TIA for any pointers people can give.

Todd Graham Lewis (800) 719-4664, x2804

"It's still ludicrous that nobody's ever made a run at us by making UNIX
a popular platform on PCs. It's almost too late now." -- Steve Balmer
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