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SubjectOOPS 2.2.0-pre4 - cat /proc/sound
Probably a stupid thing to do anyway, but I was trying to troubleshoot
a problem I'm having with my GUS PnP. It worked with 2.0, but doesn't
with 2.2. Having some sort of weird IRQ problem. Anyway:

bjorn:..ripts/ksymoops-0.6# ./ksymoops < /tmp/oops
Options used: -V -o /lib/modules/2.2.0-pre4/ -k /proc/ksyms -l
/proc/modules -m /usr/src/linux/

Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000018
current->tss.cr3 = 015b0000, %cr3 = 015b0000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c01b9719>]
EFLAGS: 00010297
eax: 00000018 ebx: ffffffff ecx: 00000018 edx: fffffffe
esi: c0e11f34 edi: c0ff7165 ebp: 00000000 esp: c0e11ef0
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process cat (pid: 3958, process nr: 28, stackpage=c0e11000)
Stack: 00000159 c8861000 ffffffff c8861000 c01b98b0 c8837c9b 0000001b c01b98b0
c01b98b0 c0ff7162 c8837cb3 c0e11f34 c882e2a5 c0ff7162 c8837cae 00000005
00000018 c7b2f500 00000c00 c7b2f514 c0ff7000 00000000 00000000 c0140f32
Call Trace: [<c8861000>] [<c8861000>] [<c01b98b0>] [<c8837c9b>] [<c01b98b0>] [<c01b98b0>] [<c8837cb3>]
[<c882e2a5>] [<c8837cae>] [<c0140f32>] [<c8838dac>] [<c0122de2>] [<c0108758>]
Code: 80 38 00 74 07 40 4a 83 fa ff 75 f4 29 c8 89 44 24 10 f7 c5

>>EIP: c01b9719 <vsprintf+291/414>
Trace: c8861000 <END_OF_CODE+18ee8/????>
Trace: c8861000 <END_OF_CODE+18ee8/????>
Trace: c01b98b0 <sprintf+14/f70>
Trace: c8837c9b <def_tmr_arm+42b/13ec>
Trace: c01b98b0 <sprintf+14/f70>
Trace: c01b98b0 <sprintf+14/f70>
Trace: c8837cb3 <def_tmr_arm+443/13ec>
Trace: c882e2a5 <sound_proc_get_info+491/4dc>
Trace: c8837cae <def_tmr_arm+43e/13ec>
Trace: c0140f32 <proc_file_read+ae/1e8>
Trace: c8838dac <proc_root_sound+0/44>
Trace: c0122de2 <sys_read+be/dc>
Trace: c0108758 <system_call+34/38>
Code: c01b9719 <vsprintf+291/414> 00000000 <_EIP>:
Code: c01b9719 <vsprintf+291/414> 0: 80 38 00 cmpb $0x0,(%eax)
Code: c01b971c <vsprintf+294/414> 3: 74 07 je c <_EIP+0xc> c01b9725 <vsprintf+29d/414>
Code: c01b971e <vsprintf+296/414> 5: 40 incl %eax
Code: c01b971f <vsprintf+297/414> 6: 4a decl %edx
Code: c01b9720 <vsprintf+298/414> 7: 83 fa ff cmpl $0xffffffff,%edx
Code: c01b9723 <vsprintf+29b/414> a: 75 f4 jne 0 <_EIP>
Code: c01b9725 <vsprintf+29d/414> c: 29 c8 subl %ecx,%eax
Code: c01b9727 <vsprintf+29f/414> e: 89 44 24 10 movl %eax,0x10(%esp,1)
Code: c01b972b <vsprintf+2a3/414> 12: f7 c5 00 00 00 testl $0x0,%ebp
Code: c01b9730 <vsprintf+2a8/414> 17: 00

I haven't looked at the code to see what is the problem yet, but I
figured I'd post it here for posterity at least. I'll see if I can
squeeze in some time tomorrow.


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