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SubjectRe: proper place to discuss kernel 'bloatedness'?
On Sun, 31 Jan 1999, Matti Aarnio wrote:

> You could get it smaller by constructing packages according
> to the configuration you want, without anything else.
> However that requires feeding the configuration to some
> pre-packing engine which then selects correct bits for the
> constructed package which you could then download (in real
> time ?)
> But how do you generate that configuration, and where do
> you feed it, and what happens then ? How does it handle
> multiple base architectures ?
> If you can answer to these questions, you propably are done
> at least the planning phase for the service.
Well, in theory, it could be possible to construct a kind of a system to
provide "partial" downloads for "partial" compiles. I imagine that one would
download a "config pack" from the net, do make config wich would contain,
basically, dependencies of all the files from the kernel sources needed to
generate a custom kernel for the submitting user. Such file would be sent to a
server (of course one such server wouldn't suffice) and the user would
retrieve only a required subset of the kernel source tree, compile the kernel
and be happy. It would be further improved by using rdist or similar
mechanism, assuming that the user won't change his machine's configuration too
often, the next source downloads would be as easy as retrieving patches to the
changed files.
It looks nice in theory, but would probably require creating a protocol to
serve the config submissions and retrieval of the required files.
Hmm... it was just a thought of a moment :-))) Ignore it if it sounds stupid


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