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SubjectRe: proper place to discuss kernel 'bloatedness'?
On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, Ben Hutchings wrote:

> As a gross generalisation in the PC world:
> The computers with all kinds of funky SCSI controllers and network
> settings and no `multimedia' drivers are `servers'.
> The computers with IDE, sound cards, maybe TV and radio cards too,
> and quite simple network setup are `workstations'.
> It would be short-sighted to set these generalisations about drivers
> `in stone', though.

Yeah, I'd like my servers to play different theme tunes for incoming
ISDN and modem connections (beats modem warbles :-) ) and have them
multicast TV and radio around the local net (so that people could
watch the business programs, of course...). Clients and servers
are not *physically* separated, they are *logically* separated.
This is why a workstation typically runs an NFS *client* but
an X *server*. Ignore Microsoft's ramblings :-).


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