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Subject2.2.x hangs after uncrompressing Linux with AIC7xxx scsi
1. The new 2.2.x kernels hang after uncrompressing kernel .. Ok, Booting
Linux probably AIC7xxx
2. I have tried to build both 2.2.0 and 2.2.1 kernels on both my Alpha
and Intel machines. In both situations it hangs after Uncompressing
Kernel ... Ok, Booting Linux. The system is trying to do something on
the harddrive (since I hear it rattle about 2 seconds) and then it
hangs. Both machines have Adaptec 2940 controllers in it. I have
compiled the AIC7xxx driver in the kernel/ Like I always done with the
2.0.xx kernels.
3. Kernel hangs, during boot, probably by AIC7xxx SCSI
4. 2.2.0 and 2.2.1
5. N/A since kernel won't boot
6. N/A since kernel won't boot
7. N/A since kernel won't boot
7.1. The only info I have is from my old 2.0.35 kernel
Kernel modules 2.1.85
Gnu C
Linux C lib 5.4.46
Dynamic Linker 1.9.9
Linux C++ Lib 27..
Procps 1.2.7
Mount 2.6g
Net-tools 1.32-alpha
Kdb 0.93
Sh-utils 1.12
7.2. Intel P166 and Alpha 21164a 533MHz
7.3. no modules since kernel does not boot
7.4. Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 id: 00 Lun: 00
Vendor: IBM Model: DCAS-34330
Rev: S64A
Direct-Access ANSI SCSI
revision: 02
Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 id: 06 Lun: 00
Vendor: IOMEGA Model: ZIP 100
Rev: D.13

Tyoe: Direct-Access
ANSI SCSI revision: 02

Raymond Doetjes

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