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Subjectnfs issues 2.2.1
I'm using knfsd between two Linux machines running 2.2.1.  Both have exports to
the other machine. If I stop one nfs server (either by `nfs stop`, reboot,
etc) the other will produce these messages in succession:

Jan 30 01:06:27 spoke kernel: nfs: RPC call returned error 111
Jan 30 01:06:27 spoke kernel: RPC: task of released request still queued!
Jan 30 01:06:27 spoke kernel: RPC: (task is on xprt_pending)

This activity somehow prevents me from opening new shells and logging in, it at
least delays logins for 15 seconds or so while multiples of these messages are
being printed out to the syslog. Of course, one could say "then don't stop the
nfs servers" but I'm hoping that there is a better solution to this problem. I
mount with these options: rsize=4096,wsize=4096,intr and the /etc/exports files
options: rw,no_root_squash


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