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SubjectRe: proper place to discuss kernel 'bloatedness'?
Michael Talbot-Wilson <> says:
: In other words, someone has to create a secondary level of source
: distribution, taking the single tarball and making available a
: number of smaller ones organized on an intelligible pattern. Then
: that secondary distribution has to make itself credible. The
: likelihood is that most people would ignore it. It would complicate
: matters, after all. So it's a nice idea, but probably a thankless
: task, and doesn't seem likely to go anywhere.

Well, it's possible that bitkeeper can help with this somehow. I'll have
to think about it. Part of what you described is somewhat similar to
something we're gonna have to do anyway, just to get people interested in
actually using a source mgmt system for the kernel. What I mean is that
we will be providing a a revision controlled version of the kernel, with
all the history we can find (thanks to Riley's most excellent web page,
we're feeling like it will be pretty complete) when we release v1.0 of
bitkeeper next month.

Until bitkeeper becomes (he says confidently) the default way of doing
business, we'll be taking each update released by Linus, checking it in
and making both the tarball and the patch available on
(soon to be, the owner of that domain has given it to
me because he wanted to be helpful to the Linux community, way cool).

I still need to add module support to bitkeeper, so I can't really
address the problem yet, but that might help if we had the x86 module,
the generic module, etc.

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