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SubjectRe: PROBLEM: Illegal IDE probing
    From: Willem van Mourik <>

I got some problems with a IDE controller since I have installed the
2.2.0pre4 kernel on a 2 your old Pentium 200 system.


A second problem appeared when I looked very well what appeared on
the screen, while booting the kernel. The 1,6Gb harddisk shows the
illegal size 7680Mb instead of 1536Mb

version 2.0.36:

hda: SAMSUNG WNR-31601A (1600MB), 1536MB w/256kB Cache, CHS=780/64/63

version 2.2.1 without any additional kernel parameters:

hda: SAMSUNG WNR-31601A (1600MB), ATA DISK drive
hda: SAMSUNG WNR-31601A (1600MB), 7680MB w/256kB Cache, CHS=3900/64/63

Interesting. I can leave worrying about the detection to Andre.
But I would like to understand this size change.
Roughly speaking the size the kernel concludes to is found
by asking the BIOS and asking the disk, and usually believing
the disk.

So, in your case, what does the disk say, i.e., what is the
output of "hdparm -i /dev/hda" and "hdparm -I /dev/hda"
on 2.0.36 and 2.2.1?


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