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Subject2.2.0: serial driver not using interrupts?

I have a very strange problem: I'm playing with Linux 2.2.0 and my
PPSkit-0.4.2 patches: While the thing works in/with 2.0.36, I'm
unlucky with 2.2.0. Even more, what I found out is very strange:

It seems that the UART for the serial port does not create interrupts
any longer, but uses polling every 10 seconds instead. Unfortunately
this means I'm loosing characters. Monitoring /proc/tty/driver/serial
I found out that rx characters and parity errors increase by roughly
10 every 10 seconds (I'm sending a "character" every second, by
sending the same pulse of 100 or 200ms to RxD and CD).

As this sounds hard to believe, I recompiled the thing with serial
debugging and I'll include the edited part of my syslog showing the
serial driver's messages and xntpd's complaints together with time.

At the end you'll find from /proc/interrupts that the serial port
only produced ONE interrupt...

Am I the only one to have this problem? (Or does my PPSkit break
something severely in 2.2 (I can't believe))

BTW: MAINTAINERS lacks a person for the general serial driver...

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