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SubjectRecording with Ensoniq AudioPCI (es1370).
Good day to everyone on the list.  Hopefully this note finds the end
of your respective week going well.

Is anyone out there able to record with 2.2.0 and an Ensoniq AudioPCI
card. I am running 2.2.0-SMP and playback works but it refuses to
record. I have used the mixer to set the input to MIC and no amount
of fidgeting seems to make a difference.

I know that OSS fought with this a while before they got recording to
work. I've looked at the sources and see the stuff about MIC
impedence but last time I tried fidgeting with that through module
loading it didn't seem to make much difference.

Thanks much for any input.


As always,
Dr. G.W. Wettstein Enjellic Systems Development - Specialists in
4206 N. 19th Ave. intranet based enterprise information solutions.
Fargo, ND 58102
Phone: 701-281-1686 EMAIL:
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