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SubjectAlan Cox ac-series kernel patches
I have a couple of very basic questions about Alan Cox's ac-series kernel
patches - I've searched for but can not find any FAQ documenting this specific
phenomenon. Since many of you will know the answers to my dumb questions I can
avoid inflicting my worthless email on the great bearded one himself...

1) How should the 2.2.0-ac1 patched kernel be regarded? As a 'fixed' production
kernel, or as an experimental or development kernel?

2) How do you apply the 2.2.0-ac1 patch correctly? I rooted my 2.2.0 source tree
at /usr/src/linux.vanilla, did a cd to /usr/src, then did

cat whatever/patch-2.2.0-ac1 | patch -p0 2>&1 | less

It didn't barf, and it did seem to update the source tree in linux.vanilla, but
it also created a new (smallish) directory hierarchy in /usr/src/
Why? What is it? Do I ignore it or do something with it?

Kind respondents please email me at the address given in the header and below; I
don't subscribe to this list as I'm on too many high volume lists already.

Regards to all,

Ralph Clark

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