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Subjectproblems in remove_from_queues() (fs/buffer.c)

in this afternoon some problems occurred with my kernel, so im sending this
mail to the list because I think this is important problem.

sometimes our system is rebooted with energy breaks, so the partition
isnt clean unmonted, then e2fsck runs to check the partition. this error
occurred when e2fsck is running in my 4gig partition (but the error is in
cp, huh?). I debugged the information and see that the bug isnt in the
filesystem files, but in the buffers functions, is it important?

check and give me some information about it if is important.

Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000094
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 005dc000, pr3 = 005dc000
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: *pde = 00000000
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: Oops: 0002
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: CPU: 0
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: EIP: 0010:[<c0125135>]
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: EFLAGS: 00010206
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: eax: 00000060 ebx: c065d2c0 ecx: c065d2c0 edx: c17f83a8
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: esi: c065de00 edi: 00000001 ebp: c025a948 esp: c05dfe7c
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: Process cp (pid: 557, process nr: 24, stackpage=c05df000)
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: Stack: c065d2c0 c0126485 c065d2c0 c025a948 000000bf 00000013 0001a000 c011be76
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: c025a948 00000019 00000006 c0120a1e 00000006 00000013 c05de000 c1454354
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: 00000013 c012121c 00000013 00017000 c1454354 00000000 0001a000 c0245340
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: Call Trace: [<c0126485>] [<c011be76>] [<c0120a1e>] [<c012121c>] [<c011c027>] [<c011c4d2>] [<c011c87b>]
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: [<c011c7c8>] [<c2036b61>] [<c0123ea2>] [<c01094c4>]
Jan 25 12:16:59 bishop kernel: Code: 89 50 34 c7 01 00 00 00 00 89 02 c7 41 34 00 00 00 00 8b 51

>>EIP: c0125135 <remove_from_queues+a9/134>
Trace: c0126485 <try_to_free_buffers+45/84>
Trace: c011be76 <shrink_mmap+da/130>
Trace: c0120a1e <try_to_free_pages+26/78>
Trace: c012121c <__get_free_pages+b0/200>
Trace: c011c027 <try_to_read_ahead+2f/11c>
Trace: c011c4d2 <do_generic_file_read+2f2/5e8>
Trace: c011c87b <generic_file_read+63/7c>
Trace: c011c7c8 <file_read_actor+0/50>
Code: c0125135 <remove_from_queues+a9/134> 00000000 <_EIP>:
Code: c0125135 <remove_from_queues+a9/134> 0: 89 50 34 movl %edx,0x34(%eax)
Code: c0125138 <remove_from_queues+ac/134> 3: c7 01 00 00 00 movl $0x0,(%ecx)
Code: c012513d <remove_from_queues+b1/134> 8: 00
Code: c012513e <remove_from_queues+b2/134> 9: 89 02 movl %eax,(%edx)
Code: c0125140 <remove_from_queues+b4/134> b: c7 41 34 00 00 movl $0x0,0x34(%ecx)
Code: c0125145 <remove_from_queues+b9/134> 10: 00 00
Code: c0125147 <remove_from_queues+bb/134> 12: 8b 51 00 movl 0x0(%ecx),%edx

but this isnt the finish, the bug occurred again when I was using the pine
to read my mails, so I think is important.

Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000094
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 003fc000, pr3 = 003fc000
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: *pde = 00000000
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: Oops: 0002
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: CPU: 0
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: EIP: 0010:[<c0125135>]
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: EFLAGS: 00010206
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: eax: 00000060 ebx: c06582c0 ecx: c06582c0 edx: c17e3014
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: esi: c06584a0 edi: 00000001 ebp: c02420f0 esp: c0417ec4
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: Process pine (pid: 1632, process nr: 37, stackpage=c0417000)
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: Stack: c0658a40 c0126485 c06582c0 c02420f0 000000b0 00000013 00000000 c011be76
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: c02420f0 00000004 00000006 c0120a1e 00000006 00000013 c0416000 00010000
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: 00000013 c012121c 00000013 00010000 00010000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: Call Trace: [<c0126485>] [<c011be76>] [<c0120a1e>] [<c012121c>] [<c011c654>] [<c01111ab>] [<c011c87b>]
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: [<c011c7c8>] [<c0123ea2>] [<c01094c4>]
Jan 26 18:39:45 bishop kernel: Code: 89 50 34 c7 01 00 00 00 00 89 02 c7 41 34 00 00 00 00 8b 51

>>EIP: c0125135 <remove_from_queues+a9/134>
Trace: c0126485 <try_to_free_buffers+45/84>
Trace: c011be76 <shrink_mmap+da/130>
Trace: c0120a1e <try_to_free_pages+26/78>
Trace: c012121c <__get_free_pages+b0/200>
Trace: c011c654 <do_generic_file_read+474/5e8>
Trace: c01111ab <update_process_times+5b/64>
Trace: c011c87b <generic_file_read+63/7c>
Trace: c011c7c8 <file_read_actor+0/50>
Code: c0125135 <remove_from_queues+a9/134> 00000000 <_EIP>:
Code: c0125135 <remove_from_queues+a9/134> 0: 89 50 34 movl %edx,0x34(%eax)
Code: c0125138 <remove_from_queues+ac/134> 3: c7 01 00 00 00 movl $0x0,(%ecx)
Code: c012513d <remove_from_queues+b1/134> 8: 00
Code: c012513e <remove_from_queues+b2/134> 9: 89 02 movl %eax,(%edx)
Code: c0125140 <remove_from_queues+b4/134> b: c7 41 34 00 00 movl $0x0,0x34(%ecx)
Code: c0125145 <remove_from_queues+b9/134> 10: 00 00
Code: c0125147 <remove_from_queues+bb/134> 12: 8b 51 00 movl 0x0(%ecx),%edx

see. is the same bug in remove_from_queues (fs/buffer.c)

(ps: sorry for this terrible english, but im brazilian)

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