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Subjectcdrom mount problem -- bad fs? root inode? eth0???

I installed a fresh Debian system with 2.0.34 and copied the linux kernel tarball off a cdr i made. then compiled and everything was fine (network worked and so on) except for a problem with mounting cdrom's. none of them work. my fstab reads

/dev/hdc /cdrom iso9660 noauto 0 1

i had a working cdrom in 2.2.0-pre1 but as soon as pre9 and 2.2.0 touched my system, nothing i try can make my /dev/hdc work. hope someone can help. please re: to

Here is the error:

Script started on Tue Jan 26 12:10:47 1999
msk15:~# mount /cdrom
mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,
or too many mounted file systems
msk15:~# mount /dev/hdc /cdrom 2>&1

/* at this point it hangs and i am forced to eject the cd out of the drive

however, there are messages that script doesn't see for some reason (so i have to retype them in these comments). they are descriptions of errors, i guess. some of them are:

isofs_read_super: user: root inode not initialized
eth0: Bus master arbitration failure, error 8cf2

why is the eth0 line there? beats me. but it looks like a serious problem. the rest of the messages I assumed are just complaining about the tray being open and medium not found.


/dev/hdc: Input/output error
mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only
/dev/hdc: Input/output error
mount: No medium found
Script done on Tue Jan 26 12:11:34 1999

Misha K.

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