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SubjectAnnoying junk in log from pcmcia IDE (2.2.0, longtime 2.1)
genhd does a printk of the drive when rescanning partitions.
Normally it looks like:
hdc: hdc1 hdc2

This is fine during bootup. But with module loading and lots of other
things going on, I get hdc: <hundreds of bytes of junk> hdc1 hdc2

The printk routine might need a better lock. genhd does a printk on
"hdc:" without a linefeed character, so the log pointers are left

Then the MSDOS (or other) partitions are probed for which might cause
other messages to be printed, or at least other things might end up
touching the logging system.

Finally add_partition is called, and the hdc1 hdc2... is printed
with a terminal linefeed.

If I place a linefeed after the hdc:, I don't get any junk in my

I don't know the version of syslog, but it might be older so maybe
an upgrade is in order. But I don't think syslog is the cause -
something is hitting printk between the "hdc:" and the "hdc2\n"
- note that the junk printed isn't random, but looks like the last
few hundred bytes in the log, which is why I think something
is moving.

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