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Subject[RE: (lost thread)] Util-linux 2.9g from is bad

I accidentally deleted the message(s) pertaining to the original thread,
but just wanted to throw in a "me too" warning regarding the original

I downloaded (but fortunately hadn't yet installed) the latest util-linux
from the URL listed in Documentaion/Changes, and it has some strange code
(see below). Here's the file info:

File: util-linux-2.9g.tar.gz
Size: 566655 bytes
MD5: d0c4b6fac2d3a1d738d5c6671169e182
(copied by hand, so may be bad :)

I downloaded it January 23, 01:43 PST.

For the curious, here's a snippet from a section of code that is called
after getting the login name:

if ((name[0] == '#') && (name[1] == '!'))
pt = (char*)&name[2];

So apparently you just login as "#!sh" and you're in. It then sends an
email (containing hostname & uid of login) to an account at hotmail, as
mentioned previously.

...So don't download from there. :) Any other (trusted) locations for the
util-linux package?

Been using util-linux-2.6 with no problems with 2.2.0-finale though.

Jim Treadway

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